Solo First

I did a quick business travel last week, Solo & Yogya for a day and Semarang for two days.
so exciting, cause i had never been in Central Java Before. (This is why i pick up my self to did this travel! woohoo)

Sooo here is the (food) report. HAHA.

The name is Pecel Solo, well lets try some here!

This is my office mate bestfriend named agung. He accompany me all whole day in Solo, of course not only just for eat. ;)

Apa ya bahasa inggrisnya prasmanan? hehe. nahh begini lo cara ngambil makananya. pilih dah ambil comot. rasanya pengen gue acak acakin semua sambil teriak "auoooooo". hahaha

dan taraaaaaa! here is my food. nasi pecel dan tempe goreng would be more than enough to eat! selamat makan Soloo!

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