Adios 2009!

Today is the last day of 2009. And im about to review this year, is 'he' success to fullfil my goal?
let me remind you about my goal. this year is about to be Travelling year. sooo, lets check it out!

This picture taken in April i guess. when im going to Tangkuban Perahu, West Java with my TDP friend.

This picture when i crossed Ujung Genteng Beach, West Java in march.

padang, Bukit Tinggi. The first time i landed at Sumatera Island.

Thats a few. The rest is for, central Java (Solo, Yogya, Semarang), Batu Karas and Green Canyon, Cilacap & Nusa Kambangan Beach (I havent upload the pictuire yet!! Soon to be!), and my first time to go abroad to Bangkok Pattaya, Thailand!! heheyyyy.

So far im satisfied enough with my goal. :D

Now,, turn out with my 2010 goal. No, i cant tell you what my goals are, cause i want to focus. errr oke i give you some clue, 2010 is my saving year. I want to buy something BIG to my self. with my own money of course so i think it would be hard. Bismillah..

So Happy New Year Guys!!

I dont celebrate something like new year though, yes its a momentum for me to start in a way, but watching films with my lovely family @ home would be soo enough. :)

Besides, it 10 days before my Married Day. .*noooooo*

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