Thank You

Thats All.
So i wanna say Thank You. To You God to let this happen to us.
To Aunty Nia, Ucnle Herald, Michelle, Nat, Sean & Lexie :)
To Asma, Tante Yuli, Om Uca
To Kak Sarah, Kak Rio, Naya, Jenna, Wa Boy, Wa Girl
To Kak Ira and Hubby and Shameira
Kak Arfhien, Ardhan and Ary
Kak Yana, Mas Denni and the Kids
Kak Anton, Uchan, Kak Icha & Hubby
Kak Dana & Hubby & Kids
Tara dan Sasa.
Tante Yana, Om Imul

And for sure, Mbak Viera, John and Sean :)
Thank you for the warmest welcome youve gived to us

Yuk ah cari duit lagi biar bisa kesana! hihihihihi

Mbak Viera & Sean - Adia & Bagol

Mbak Viera's Hubby, John

Morning going back home flight. Kagak mandi. hahhaha

Bye Holiday! Mari menyusui! :P

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