1 Year Carra

Dear Little Carra,

7 April a year a go was one of my happiest day.

The one that i carried for 39 weeks 4 days finally knocking out the door. I remembered i can still change up to a matching comfortable clothes because im just too nervous youre coming early.

on the way to hospital, im feeling blessed because carry you was easy. I can still work, ride a commuter line most of every day. I can fulfill my task, got the job done, rare things to even felt nausea or sleepy all day. Im strong cause we know we worked it together strong. The morning sick was come for a few months but we can managed it perfectly. Im thankful for that, i thanked you for that :)

So when the contraction come, im not afraid anymore.
Whn the pain was begin hard to hold on, so excruating every second, i knew i can stay because im gonna see you. I can stay once again if thats the only way that i can see you.

and if i die....
I would die for you.

So Happy Birhday, baby girl.
Thank you for completing me.

Just 6 Hours after Carra was born. A Happy sister she is :)

Carra 1 Months

Carra 2 Months

Carra 3 Months.

Carra 4 Months
Carra 5 Months

Carra 6 Months

Carra 7 Months

Carra 8 Months

Carra 9 Months

Carra 10 Months

Carra 11 Months

Carra 1 Year

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